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army new optic

Army New Optic - Vortex Optics, an American optical equipment manufacturer, has been awarded a contract by the U.S. Army to produce approximately 250,000 Next Generation Squad Weapon - Fire Control systems over 10 years.

Starting at $20 million, the contract calls for the company to provide advanced weapons systems capable of increasing the accuracy and destructive power of close combat troops.

Army New Optic

Army New Optic

Sights should include a variable magnification optic, laser rangefinder, backup engraved reticle, barometric sensor assembly, compass and ballistic calculator.

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The front optics should be equipped with a digital display surface and a wireless, visible and infrared laser sighting within the soldier.

Vortex, sponsor of Sheltered Wings, reached an agreement. Their offer was chosen over L3 Harris, who also sent a visual prototype of the Next Generation Squad Weapon.

The U.S. military has invested in replacing years of aging military equipment. The service has begun searching for better optics suitable for harsh combat environments.

The new sight has been described as a It is known as a "computer on top of a weapon" because it can read missile range, airborne guidance information. and digital textures

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The fire control system replaces the close combat optics. assault rifle optic and machine gun optics used by U.S. Special Operations Command, Marine Corps, and Army infantry units.

The Next Generation Squad Weapons Program, launched in 2017, is a U.S. military initiative. To develop effective squad-level weapons to fight against various threats.

Three defense companies were selected to provide weapons and prototypes for the project: SIG Sauer, General Dynamics, and Textron Systems.

Army New Optic

According to the US Acquisition Support Center, the program will increase soldiers' firepower in close combat areas. The weapon system also gives soldiers extra range and unique handling abilities.

The Us Army's New M4 Optic For Riflemen (previously Selected By Socom And The Army For Designated Marksmen Rifles As Well) The Sig Sauer Tango6t. [1900x800]

We use cookies or similar technologies on our website to analyze our traffic. You agree to the use of cookies or other notifications. By turning off or denying this notification by clicking the link, button, or continue browsing this website. Acknowledgment On January 7, 2022, the US Army announced the selection of the next-generation mass-fire weapon control system, NGSW-FC, to be produced. Sheltered Wings, a subsidiary of Vortex Optics, is used when selecting NGSWs from SIG Sauer, General Dynamics or Textron Systems.

The Vortex NGSW-FC won the bid from L3 Harris for a contract with a $2.7 billion ceiling to deliver up to 250,000 units. The premium price went beyond the variable magnification scope and reticle. durable which increases accuracy and lethality for close combat troops.” stated in the press release. “It incorporates many advanced technologies. Including variable magnification optics, backup engraved reticle, laser rangefinder, ballistic calculator, barometric sensor assembly, compass, Intra-Soldier Wireless, visible and infrared laser targeting. and digital display overlay"

Combined with the planned increase in mortality rates of NGSW, the fire control system aims to provide individual soldiers with the necessary information during the coordination of small units on the battlefield. Exactly how fire controls can assist soldiers in firing remains unknown. However, the listed sensor and electronic aid combinations are comparable to those previously selected for snipers and marksmen. In addition, the display of information within the scope prevents the shooter from destroying the sight picture.

The NGSW-FC plans to be paired with both the NGSW-R and NGSW-AR, which are planned to replace the M4A1 carbine and M249 Squad automatic weapon, respectively. Prototypes are in the testing and evaluation phase with the Army. The Services of the Acquisition Support Center will organize the decision making process and prepare the first unit during FY22.

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